In late July 2015, Dr. Xuezhong Yu, Senior Hydro-Environmental Scientist at Ecofish Research Ltd., travelled to six fish passage facilities in the United States with five engineers from the PowerChina Kunming Engineering Corporation. They visited four dams on the Susquehanna River (Conowingo, Holtwood, Safe Harbor aith, and York Haven), fish ladders at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River, and floating surface collectors (FSC) and a fish lock at the Baker River Hydroelectric Project. After observing the design, monitoring and management of various fish passage structures and consulting with project owners and resource agencies, Ecofish scientists are eager to apply their analysis to improve the fish lift design at Huangdeng Hydroelectric Project on the Lancang River (upstream of Mekong River).
The dam, boasting a 1900 MW capacity and standing at 203 meters high, will receive the latest in technology to mitigate impacts to fish while simultaneously improving access to sustainable energy.