Vermilion river at Kootenay National Park in Canada
Environment Assessment, Permitting, and Mitigation
To develop a project in BC, it’s essential to skillfully navigate the environmental assessment (EA) process – it’s a key part of the Environmental Assessment Act. Together with Federal, Municipal and emerging First Nations requirements, the assessment process is rigorous and often prolonged, which is why our clients rely on experienced consultants to guide them […]
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Planning and Adaptive Management
Adaptive management is a planned process for continuously improving environmental management practices by learning. Adaptive management gives proponents the flexibility to adjust mitigation during construction and later while operating. An adaptive management plan can help mitigate when project effects are uncertain, tempting regulators to apply the precautionary principle, creating costly delays. Adaptive management is an […]
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Environmental Compliance and Effects Monitoring
Environmental compliance monitoring and potential effect monitoring plans required following project approvals, environmental assessment certificates (EAC), and authorizations (e.g., Fisheries Act Authorization issued to compensate fish habitat loss). The EAC prescribes legally binding conditions that must be adhered to throughout the life of the project, including pre-construction, construction, operations, and decommissioning. Where we can […]
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CMDKT2 The biggest flood peak in history get through Three Gorges Dam safely in Yichang, Hubei, China on Tuesday July 24, 2012.
Water Resources Engineering
We provide answers and solutions to water management problems to ensure human safety, property protection, and aquatic ecosystem health. We also provide water resource assessment for government, First Nations, and community groups to promote grounded management decision-making. Where we can help Hydroelectric power and other industrial developments often have complex effects on stream and waterbody […]
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Habitat Offsetting and Restoration
We believe that the cornerstone to successful habitat offsetting is the ability to conceptually and practically apply an intimate knowledge and understanding of the ecosystem under study and use creativity and innovation to tailor each plan to meet specific goals. By engaging local stakeholders and First Nations we gain access to traditional knowledge about the species […]
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Wildlife and Terrestrial Studies
Ecofish employs a qualified team of experienced wildlife and terrestrial biologists with a diverse background and an in depth understanding of wildlife, wildlife habitat, vegetation, terrestrial and wetland ecosystems and the policies pertaining to their management. We regularly apply these skills to identify important environmental resources, assess potential project effects, develop mitigation strategies and design […]
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Data Analysis, Modelling, and GIS
Ecofish has a dedicated team of data analysts and modellers who specialize in analyzing and presenting information to conduct environmental assessments, and compare project alternatives. We help our clients make sound decisions by providing timely solutions to project designs and monitor the effects of existing projects. We use our spatial analyst capabilities to conduct sophisticated […]
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Third-Party Reviews
Ecofish specializes in providing clear, succinct, and comprehensive third party and current literature reviews of highly technical information. We perform data gap analysis and formulate recommendations and decision frameworks to address existing shortcomings. Our expertise enables us to prioritize key issues and develop innovative solutions and recommendations to address them. Where we can help Municipalities, […]
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Lush rainforest in the Cathedral Grove on Vancouver Island, Canada.
Project Issues Scoping
Ecofish has many years of experience in project issues scoping—from project conception through the Environmental Assessment (EA) process. We have developed a reputation with clients and regulatory agencies alike for our ability to quickly and effectively aid proponents whose projects were delayed due to inadequate scoping and baseline data collection. Where we can help The […]
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Instream and Environmental Flow Assessments
We carry out instream and environmental flow assessments to provide a detailed understanding of the aquatic species, aquatic habitat and hydrology of a watercourse, based on rigorous field data collection, data analysis and professional expertise. Where we can help Diversion and use of water rights is an essential component for many economic developments in BC. […]
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Fishway Design and Monitoring
Ecofish has extensive fishway design and monitoring project experience both in Canada and internationally on projects of all sizes—from small creeks to Amazon River tributaries. Project focus species have included: Pacific salmon and trout, endangered lake sturgeons, and Great Lakes and Amazonian fish communities. Our water resources engineers and fish biologists work together to link fish […]
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UAV and Remote Telemetry
We can mobilize our Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to get a complete picture of every project, no matter how remote or inaccessible the environment. What it involves Many projects are located in challenging locations, for example involving mountainous terrain and thick tree canopy. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are lightweight radio controlled aircraft that enable the […]
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Fish Population Assessment
Ecofish is a leader in developing and implementing a variety of fish enumeration methods and monitoring programs in BC, across Canada and around the world. What it involves Accurate predictions of potential effects to natural fish populations are of vital importance in the decision making process for our clients and for regulatory agencies. Formulation of accurate […]
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We deliver the key services needed to meet your project development and operating goals.