Vermilion river
To develop a project in BC, it’s essential to skillfully navigate the environmental assessment (EA) process – it’s a key part of the Environmental Assessment Act. Together with Federal, Municipal and emerging First Nations requirements, the assessment process is rigorous and often prolonged, which is why our clients rely on experienced consultants to guide them and do the heavy lifting. Ecofish has a strong track record of helping our clients through the process—meeting tight deadlines and budgets but delivering the services needed to move ahead.
Successful EAs are built on high quality environmental monitoring plans, mitigation designs, and offsetting programs. Ecofish is the best in the business in designing and delivering effective plans that consider the high bar set by regulators. The quality of our work has been recognized by EAO, who asked us to help them develop provincial guidelines and evaluate the work of other consultants. Regulators across Canada rely on Ecofish for advice on how best to collect and analyse the key information informing environmental decisions, including the Fisheries and Oceans Canada, who commissioned us to develop the protocols for the monitoring of new and upgraded hydroelectric projects in BC (Lewis et al. 2013).
Where we can help
The EA process demands substantial volumes of data and detailed technical studies – the products we specialize in delivering. Although this information can be difficult to collect and interpret, every project has opportunities to streamline and reduce costs. Finding the most efficient and effective way to collect, analyze and present this information is what we do best. Combining our analytical skills with skilled facilitation, Ecofish can lead successful win-win consultation with First Nations, regulatory working groups, stakeholders, and the public.
What we offer
Specific for your project assignment, we can provide:
- multi-disciplinary team of professional environmental consultants
- decades of experience gained across industry sectors
- science-based, defensible studies
- innovative solutions
- affinity for working with regulators, First Nations, stakeholders, and the public.
Ecofish provides a broad range of services to satisfy your project needs:
- aquatic and wildlife/terrestrial baseline monitoring & environmental assessments
- mitigation plans and offsetting programs
- liaison and facilitation with regulatory agencies
- preparation of technical reports and large environmental application documents
- leading and overseeing the submission of an application for an EAC, including all pre-application requirements and commitments
- leading and overseeing the submission of a project Development Plan, including all engagements for consultation
- preparation of EAC amendments, construction environmental monitoring plans (CEMPs)
- development and implementation of operational environmental monitoring plans (OEMPs)