Our Team

The strength of our approach lies in the expertise and dedication of our team of over 180 experienced scientists, engineers, project managers, technology experts, and other professional staff.

Andrew Harwood, Ph.D., R.P. Bio.

Fisheries Scientist/Project Manager


Andrew has 16 years of experience as a researcher and consultant. His expertise in fish ecology and aquatic ecosystem health has taken him all over the world—from the tropics to the Arctic Circle—to work on stream, wetland, and lake ecosystems. He has international experience in the hydropower, mining, and oil and gas sectors in environmental impact assessment, baseline, compliance, operational monitoring, and designing fish habitat restoration projects.

In addition, Andrew has contributed to a number of impact assessments evaluating the consequences of water withdrawal, and has published in the primary science literature on fish ecology. He was also lead author in developing long-term monitoring guidelines for new and upgraded hydropower projects for Fisheries and Oceans Canada published in 2013. Most recently, he led two projects with the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment to evaluate how jurisdictions around the world approach the determination and setting of environmental flows.