Kevin is a Registered Professional Biologist with 15 years of experience working on aquatic monitoring projects in BC and Alberta. Since joining Ecofish in 2003, Kevin has contributed technical expertise and project management skills, along with a penchant for developing novel monitoring programs to address challenging environmental issues. He has designed and implemented large and complex, multi-year, aquatic environmental assessment and monitoring projects.
Kevin’s experience includes studies of bioaccumulation of mercury in fish, bioaccumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in invertebrates, invertebrate drift, and water and sediment quality. He has also installed and maintained dozens of real-time environmental monitoring stations (hydrometric, water quality, and meteorological).
Kevin developed the field methods and analysis framework for real time turbidity monitoring for the protection of fish using the Severity of Ill Effect (SEV) index. Currently, Kevin is developing new applications for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in our monitoring programs.