Sean Faulkner, M.Sc., R.P. Bio.

  Sean is a fisheries biologist with over nine years of experience conducting fisheries and aquatic assessments in British Columbia. Sean’s main area of expertise is in the assessment of the potential impact from hydroelectric development and operations on fish and fish habitat. He has designed and led numerous aquatic environmental assessments and monitoring projects […]

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Sean Cullen, M.Sc., R.P. Bio.

  Sean has over 20 years of experience in Canada and internationally as an environmental scientist and project manager. Sean brings his project management skills—refined through his extensive experience managing interdisciplinary teams—to our large and often complex projects. With extensive expertise in the application of environmental and social science for major projects in the hydroelectric, […]

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Kevin Ganshorn, M.Sc., R.P. Bio.

  Kevin is a Registered Professional Biologist with 15 years of experience working on aquatic monitoring projects in BC and Alberta. Since joining Ecofish in 2003, Kevin has contributed technical expertise and project management skills, along with a penchant for developing novel monitoring programs to address challenging environmental issues. He has designed and implemented large […]

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